Renovation of Thessaloniki’s “Macedonia” Airport building
Reconstruction and expansion of the theatre “Theatro Dasous”
Construction of pedestrian walkway and site planning of the monumental and iconic, largest central square of Thessaloniki, Aristotelous square
Restoration for reuse of the storehouses in the 1st pier of the Port of Thessaloniki.
Refurbishment of store-house No. 1 into a convention centre.
Refurbishment of store-house D’ into a convention centre.
Refurbishment of store-house A’ into an exhibition centre.
Refurbishment of store-house B’ into an exhibition centre.
Refurbishment of store-house C’ into an exhibition centre.
Final control and issue of the design, specifications and drawings for 51 projects.
Management of 3 international and 5 Greek architectural tendering procedures.
CoW for 21 projects